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Morfose High Performance Intensive Lightening Powder

$ 8.78

Morfose High Performance Intensive Lightening Powder. It provides ease of application with its creamy structure.

Morfose High Performance Intensive Lightening Powder

SKU MFS1136 Category

Morfose High Performance Intensive Hair Lightening Powder, which provides ease of application with its creamy structure, makes the hair lightening process to the desired tone without wearing your hair with its special formula. It does not flow, overflow, foam or clump during application.
How to Use Morfose Hair Lightening Powder?

Add 30 g Morfose Hair Lightener and 60 ml Morfose Oxidant Conditioner into a non-metallic container.
Mix these two products until you get a homogeneous consistency.
Apply the mixture you prepared to the hair with the help of a brush.
Wait between 30 – 50 minutes depending on the hair color you want.
After the desired tone is achieved, rinse your hair with plenty of water.
Then finish the process by applying shampoo and conditioner.
What Should Be Considered When Using Morfose Hair Lightening Powder?

Be sure to read the instructions for use.
Use gloves during application.
Do not use the product on eyebrows, eyelashes and facial hair.
Do not use the product if you have observed a problem on the scalp in your previous hair lightening applications, if your scalp is very sensitive, if your scalp is worn, damaged, residue, wound, scratched or cut.
Do not use if your hair has henna and metallic dye.
Pregnant women are not recommended to use the product, do not use the product without consulting your doctor.
If your hair has styling residues such as gel, mousse or spray, do not apply without cleaning your hair.
How is the Sensitivity Test Done?

Attention! This test does not give a full guarantee against possible allergic reactions.
You can get help from your dermatologist to avoid misapplication questions in sensitivity testing and to learn the proper testing process.
Clean a small surface (1 cm) on the inside of your elbow or behind the ear with an alcohol swab.
Apply a very small amount of hair and oxidant cream mixture to the area we have cleaned with the help of a cotton swab.
After waiting for 45 minutes, carefully rinse the mixture you applied for the test with warm water.
For two days, observe if any reaction occurs on your skin.
If your skin gives any reaction, immediately wash the area with plenty of water and do not use the product.
The absence of an allergic reaction as a result of this test does not give a full guarantee for allergic reactions that may occur in subsequent hair removal.

Weight 0.3 kg

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