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Skincare in Summer

sun cream

Ways to protect from the sun in summer

The benefits of the sun to our body are indisputable, but as long as the benefits are taken consciously… The sun’s rays, which are a great source of happiness and vitamin D, are also one of the most important causes of wrinkles, spots and skin cancer. For this reason, we need to pay attention to some important aspects to protect ourselves from the sun.

Things to do before going out in the sun

  1. Our skin should be protected primarily with clothes, and if you are going to be under the sun for a long time, care should be taken to wear wide-brimmed hats, protective clothing that can cover the body as much as possible and cover the arms and legs.
  2. Sunglasses with UV protection, which provide great protection against harmful rays that cause damage to the eye, should be preferred.
  3. Light-colored and tightly woven clothing that prevents UV rays should be preferred.
  4. As much as possible, the shade should be used and especially children should be kept in the shadow.
  5. If possible, do not go out between 11.00-16.00 when the sun’s rays are intense.
  6. Sunscreens should be used to protect exposed skin areas.

What should we pay attention to when choosing and using protective products?

spf pink
  • Use SPF with a factor of at least 15. If your skin tone is light, opt for protectors with a higher factor.
  • Use plenty of protective products. If the amount is insufficient or you do not re-drive it after the effect period has expired, you will not see the benefit.
  • Prefer products that say “water proof” or “water resistant”.
  • If you use foundation; Apply your protector first, apply the foundation on it.
  • You can opt for products that contain both a moisturizer and a protection factor.

What can be done to protect our children from the sun?

The exposure of adults and children to the sun is almost the same. While the items that need attention for adults are also valid for children, it is useful to make a few small additions.

  1. Unlike adults, sunscreens for children should have an SPF protection factor of at least 30 and protect against UVA and UVB rays.
  2. Be careful not to use PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) and oxybenzone in the preservative you choose due to their sensitive skin on your child.
  3. In hot weather, all individuals should consume plenty of fluids. Since your child’s metabolism works faster than you, you should make him drink more water. Remember, water is the source of life for our skin.
orange kid

Protect your child from sunstroke in 8 steps!

  • Before going out in the sun, be sure to put on your hat and apply protective cream.
  • Do not allow it to be under direct sunlight, especially at noon.
  • Opt for cotton clothes and change clothes when she sweats.
  • Make sure he drinks plenty of fluids, especially water.
  • Do not let them stay in the sun for a long time and take occasional shade and water breaks.
  • Check the color of your urine and if you have dark urine, make sure you get enough fluids.
  • Take care not to consume very salty foods.
  • Even if you open the windows, never leave them alone in the car.

To tan healthily

  • Never rub cocoa, carrots and olive oil on your skin. This type of use causes the formation of skin spots in the future.
  • Pay attention to your sunbathing hours. Never stand under the sun between 11.00 and 16.00, which are the hours when the sun starts and comes especially at a right angle.
  • Before sunbathing, gently scrub in the shower to get rid of dead skin on your body. Thus, your skin will absorb the sun’s rays better.
  • Tan gradually. In fact, the only result that a sudden burn will bring to you is the peeling of the skin.
  • Active activities such as water sports and beach volleyball both make you not aware of how time passes and ensure the proportional tanning of your body.
  • Do not neglect after-sun creams to maintain the balance of what your skin is.
  • Drink plenty of water and soft drinks. The sun and heat absorb water from your body. Make sure you consume enough water so as not to disturb your body’s balance.
  • Vitamin A and its natural precursor, “Beta Carotene”, help your body tan better. These foods are usually vegetables or fruits that are orange in color.
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