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Skin Elasticity

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Loss of Elasticity in the Skin

Our skin begins to lose its elasticity with the passing years. This situation is especially manifested by the appearance of signs of aging on the skin. Let’s enter our article by answering the question of what is elasticity, which is such an important concept.

What is Elasticity?

Elasticity, in its shortest expression, is the name given to the ability of the skin to stretch. In other words, it is the ability of the wrinkled skin to come back to its former state as soon as possible. The sooner the skin is restored after wrinkling, it shows us that it has a level of elasticity quality.

Why Does the Skin Lose Its Elasticity?

The skin has the highest quality of elasticity during the teenage years. However, as time passes, structural changes in collagen fibers and elastin fibers that give this feature to the skin and decrease in the amount of hyaluronic acid cause sagging of the skin and adversely affect the elasticity level of the skin.

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Factors That Play a Role in Loss of Elasticity

Although the loss of elasticity is generally felt as of the age of 40, this situation may not be at the same level in every person. There are many reasons for this. For these reasons, we can list the prominent ones as follows.

  • Genetic factors
  • The rate of exposure of the skin to the sun’s rays without sun protection
  • Irregular sleep
  • Unbalanced nutrition
  • Insufficient water consumption

What can we do against loss of elasticity?

  • Take care of your skin care routine.
  • Enrich your skin care routine with care products containing vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and collagen.
  • Take care to maintain the moisture balance of your skin.
  • Use sunscreen in summer and winter.
  • Take care of a balanced diet.
  • Consume a sufficient amount of water.
  • If you are on a diet, do weight control under expert supervision.

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