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Skin Elasticity

Loss of Elasticity in the Skin Our skin begins to lose its elasticity with the passing years. This situation is especially manifested by the appearance of signs of aging on the skin. Let’s enter our article by answering the question of what is elasticity, which is such an important concept. What is Elasticity? Elasticity, in

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Protection in Sexual Intercourse

Nowadays, sexual diseases are becoming common. We have examined the treatment and details of sexually transmitted diseases and the importance of protection in sexual intercourse. We examine the  reasons for protection necessary to protect against sexually transmitted diseases and to live a healthy sex life. The Importance of Protection in Sexual Intercourse The importance of

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Vitamin D3

What is Vitamin D3? Vitamin D is basically divided into 5 groups. However, D1-D2-D3 vitamins stand out among these groups. Vitamins D2 and D3 are the basic types of vitamins we need. Vitamin D3 is one of the two types of vitamins in the vitamin D group. Vitamin D3 is a type of vitamin that

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Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow Transplantation Eyebrow transplantation is the process of transplanting hair follicles extracted from different parts of the body to the eyebrow area in patients who experience eyebrow shedding in the eyebrow area or have no eyebrows for various reasons. The back of the neck is generally selected as the donor site in eyebrow transplantation. The

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