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Importance of Collagen

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Collagen is a very important protein for the human body. People who have heard about the benefits of collagen are investigating which foods contain this substance. Consuming good amount of collagen-containing substances is recommended by many experts.

What is the Role of Collagen?

Many questions are asked about collagen. With the questions asked, the content of collagen and what it is can be learned. Collagen strengthens the connective tissue in our body. Collagen of the human body; It is found in the skin, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, smooth muscle tissue, blood vessels and other organs. It is an important component of hair and nails. People who see collagen as important are turning to foods with collagen.

Why Does the Amount of Collagen in Our Body Decrease?

The amount of collagen in the human body can decrease due to certain reasons. These reasons vary from person to person. Experts say that the amount of collagen in the body decreases from a certain age. Collagen loss can cause different problems in the body.

Modern lifestyle, high sugar consumption, high sun exposure, smoking, insufficient vitamin C to be taken daily, neglect of skin care, polluted air effects, too intense sports activity, sleep irregularity can reduce the collagen stores of our body.

What Are the Ways to Increase Collagen Naturally?

There are some methods to increase collagen naturally. With the correct application of these methods, the amount of collagen in the body can be supported.

People who want to increase the amount of collagen in the body can choose foods that are abundant in vitamin C. That’s because vitamin C contributes to the normal formation of collagen, which is essential for the normal function of the skin.

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What Foods Contain Collagen?

The foods in which collagen is contained are as follows:

  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Meat, meat products


The amount of collagen in the fish that many people love is quite high. People who think about their health do not neglect to consume fish. Proper cooking of fish plays a big role in getting collagen into the body. In addition, the freshness of the fish is also effective in the amount of collagen.

Experts recommend eating fish for collagen.


Shellfish are examined in a very broad sub-heading. The active ingredients in it increase the amount of collagen. Because of this, many people are turning to shellfish.

However, in order to get enough collagen, shellfish need to be eaten at sufficient levels. Otherwise, not enough collagen can be taken into the body.

Meat, Meat Products

Abundant consumption of bony meats is also seen as important for collagen. Drinking marrow bone broth can also support the amount of collagen. You can get support from a dietitian to learn the detailed list of collagen foods.

The collagen that the body needs can be taken by supplementing with nutritional supplements. You can also consult your health professionals to learn the most appropriate collagen supplement  for your age and needs.

Some of Our Products That Enhance Collagen in Your Body!

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