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Intermittent Fasting Diet

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What is Intermittent Fasting (If Diet)?

The intermittent fasting diet is not actually a diet program. It is the consumption of the foods you consume during the day in a different order. Intermittent fasting diet; We can define it as a nutrition program in which no nutrients are taken at specified times during the day or different restrictions are made in energy intake on the specified days of the week.

How is Intermittent Fasting (If Diet) Done?

There are several varieties of the intermittent fasting diet. The most popular of these are;

The 16:8 Method: 16 hours of fasting (including sleeping), 8 hours of eating. For example; You eat between 11.00-19.00 and do not consume any food for the rest of the day.

Method 5:2: It contains normal calories 5 days a week and very restricted calories 2 days a week (500-800 kcal/day). At this point, it is very important for health not to apply two consecutive days to eat restricted food. On days with restricted eating, 4/1 of the amount of food consumed on normal days is consumed.

Eat/Stop/Eat Method: It is a method of fasting for 24 hours once or twice a week. After dinner for one day, 24 hours are spent until the next dinner.

Intermittent Fasting Diet Should Be Done with a Dietitian

Each diet should be individual and different because many characteristics such as age, gender, height, physical activity level vary depending on the person. Therefore, everyone should choose the type of intermittent fasting that they can easily adapt to their own life pattern and plan it individually. Health is a diet program; it must be accessible, sustainable and adaptable to our lives. There are several variants of the Intermittent Fasting diet. Of these, it is worthwhile to choose the one that best suits your lifestyle.

The intermittent fasting diet is not a type of diet that a person can apply on his own and with his decision. The diet of individuals who want to do intermittent fasting should be planned individually in a controlled manner under the guidance of a nutritionist.

The intermittent fasting diet is done in several different ways. There are three commonly applied methods. The basic logic of all three is constructed in the same way. During the diet, rules have been set for eating hours and fasting intervals must be followed without interruption. During the fasting hours, no nutrients should enter the body in any way. Water, soda, coffee and tea can be consumed provided that they are sugar-free.

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Who Should Not Practice an Intermittent Fasting Diet?

Those with diabetes/diabetes, blood sugar problems, low blood pressure, eating disorders, and those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 18.5 and below should not engage in an intermittent fasting diet. It is also inconvenient for athletes or those who exercise intensively, those who take regular medications, pregnant women, nursing mothers, adolescents and women who are trying to get pregnant to follow the intermittent fasting diet.

Benefits of the Intermittent Fasting Diet

In order to experience the benefits of the intermittent fasting diet, it is important to plan your diet with healthy foods and to get the nutrients that your body needs during the day. However, the health benefits of the intermittent fasting diet can be listed as follows:

  • Improves insulin sensitivity,
  • May benefit the reduction of insulin resistance in the body,
  • It can be protective against Type 2 diabetes by providing blood sugar regulation,
  • It can lower the level of triglycerides in the body, which is caused by energy restriction and is known as bad cholesterol.

Possible Harms of Intermittent Fasting Diet

Intermittent fasting diets that are not properly planned can have adverse effects depending on age, health status, and lifestyle.

Insufficient energy intake on the designated days; It can cause a decrease in concentration, negative effects on mood and fatigue.

The intermittent fasting diet, if not implemented correctly, can cause some hormonal imbalances in women. Some animal studies have been conducted; It has been shown that intermittent fasting diets applied for a long time in female individuals have negative effects on hormonal balance and can cause a number of problems related to fertility.

Intermittent fasting can also cause some eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating.

Intermittent Fasting Diet List

It is very important that the food groups included in the intermittent fasting diet are in adequate and balanced amounts.

  • The diet should include all of the food groups that make up the building blocks of the body, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, and provide the energy that the body needs. Otherwise, possible health problems may occur.
  • Carbohydrate-containing foods such as cereals with a high content of pulp, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat rice and bulgur should be included in the diet.
  • Foods such as milk, yogurt and kefir, which contribute to keeping blood sugar levels in balance, are also foods that should be included in a regular and balanced diet.
  • Fruit and vegetable group foods with high vitamin and mineral content should be included in the diet list due to the antioxidants contained in them.
  • Both animal and vegetable protein groups are also important in the intermittent fasting diet. Meat, chicken, eggs, fish and dried legumes with a high protein content benefit the preservation and construction of muscles, as well as provide a feeling of satiety for a long time due to late digestion.
  • Weight can be lost in a sustainable and healthy way with an intermittent fasting diet that is designed to ensure adequate and balanced intake of all these food groups.

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