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الرئيسية » تسوق » Tetrazinc B Complex Drop 20ml

Tetrazinc B Complex Drop 20ml

$ 12.00

PHYSICIAN Tetrazinc 20 ml Drop. Food Supplement Containing Vitamins and Zinc. – Vitamin B Complex Drops. – Contains vitamins A, C, D3, B1, B6, B12 and Zinc.

Tetrazinc B Complex Drop 20ml

Tetrazinc B Complex Drop 20ml
Name of the product:
Tetrazinc B Complex Drop 20ml

Product Brand:
Physician Pharmaceuticals

Item Size:

Summary Information:
Vitamin drops with D, A, B complex, vitamin C and zinc

Product Benefits:
u200b Active Ingredient 5 dropsu2019 *BRD (%) Vitamin A 240 u00b5g RE 30 Vitamin C 15 mg 18.75 Vitamin D 10 u00b5g (400IU) 200 Vitamin B12 0.4 u00b5g 16 Vitamin B1 0.2 mg 18.18 *Nutrition Reference Value Zinc (in 5 drops) 1mg, Vitamin B6 (in 5 drops) 110 u00b5g Usage: 5 drops per day.

Weight 0.1 kg


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