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Protection in Sexual Intercourse

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Nowadays, sexual diseases are becoming common. We have examined the treatment and details of sexually transmitted diseases and the importance of protection in sexual intercourse. We examine the  reasons for protection necessary to protect against sexually transmitted diseases and to live a healthy sex life.

The Importance of Protection in Sexual Intercourse

The importance of protection in sexual intercourse is high, inaddition that sexually transmitted diseases are known to cause death even if left untreated.

Sexual Contraception

The use of condoms is one of the most effective methods of protection in sexual intercourse, it is very effective when used correctly.

There are some things to consider when using a condom, For example: The Importance of the Expiration Date of the Condom and removal of Reservoir Air, also It is necessary to pay attention to situations such as not having intercourse with the same condom.

Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases Dangerous?

Sexually transmitted diseases can have negative consequences up to infertility or death if left untreated.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Common and sexually transmitted diseases

  • HIV (AIDS)
  • Mycoplasma infection
  • Soft boil (Shancroid)
  • Donovanosis (Granuloma Inguinale)
  • Herpes (Herpes Simplex virus infection)
  • Warts (Genital Condylomas, HPV Human Papilloma Virus)
  • Molluscum Contagiosum
  • Trichomonas Vaginalis infection
  • Hepatitis B
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis
  • Chlamydia infection
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Are Pregnant Women and Babies Affected by Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Yes, babies and their mothers are affected by these diseases, it is also known that the mother passes to the baby during childbirth.

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