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Sexual Intercourse Duration

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HOW LONG SHOULD THE SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP BE? How long this pleasure lasts is as important as the pleasure from sex. So, is it possible to talk about an ideal time when there are dozens of details that affect the duration of sexual intercourse? Although there is a general belief that the ideal duration of sex is long, some scientific studies show that this duration actually varies between 3 and 13 minutes. What is the ideal duration of sexual intercourse?

الحميمة والجماع 1

As in every subject, the number of correct known mistakes in sexual relations is quite high. Couples often see everything from premature ejaculation to trends in desire as a problem in terms of sexual satisfaction. One of them is about the duration of sex. For those who are looking for an answer to the question of how long should sexual intercourse last, it should be noted that this issue differs from person to person. However, according to scientific studies, it is possible to talk about the ideal duration of sexual intercourse. According to a study conducted in collaboration with the US-based Society for Sex Therapy and Research and Pennsylvania State University, satisfying sexual intercourse is not hours, contrary to popular belief; It takes between 3 and 13 minutes. In the research conducted with 50 participants from different occupational groups, 1-2 minutes were described as "too short", 3-7 minutes as "sufficient", 7-13 minutes as "desirable", and 10-30 minutes as "too long". This research, which is an answer to the question of how many minutes a normal relationship lasts, reveals that short periods that do not satisfy couples are quite normal.

الحميمة 1

Duration of Sexual Intercourse During Pregnancy Pregnancy is a process in which sexual impulses fluctuate for physiological and biological reasons. Although sexuality does not come to the forefront in the early stages of pregnancy, it is not possible to restrain the desires in the following periods. In a normal pregnancy, there is no objection for sexual intercourse up to four weeks before delivery. However, the most important issue to be considered while having sex during pregnancy is the precautions to be taken against infections and disease risks. Condoms must be used for the health of mother and baby during sexual relations. How to extend the duration of sexual intercourse?

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For couples who don't want to describe the ideal duration of sex in minutes, getting above average can be quite exciting. At this point, it is possible to mention a few methods that you can apply: -   Foreplay: Sex is much more than vaginal intercourse. Desirous foreplay can further the sexual experience in terms of both duration and pleasure. -   Behavioral techniques: Gently squeezing the tip of the penis for 5-10 seconds just before ejaculation is an effective technique to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse in men. It may also help to pause and take a deep breath before ejaculating. -  Mental distraction: The old classic mental distraction technique is practiced during sex by thinking about distracting but non-erotic things like the multiplication table. Although this method reduces the pleasure, it is very useful in reaching the longest sexual intercourse. -   Rhythmic and slow sex: Usually, the faster a man has sex, the sooner he ejaculates. A fast and hard fusion ensures that the peak is reached in a shorter time. A slower and more measured rhythm will stimulate the glans less, prolonging the time of intercourse. -   Condom: Condoms can also be effective in the length of sexual intercourse. In addition to effective contraception and protection from sexually transmitted diseases, it also has a delaying effect on ejaculation. Condom types with retarding effect such as OKEY Delay can be preferred for a longer sex. -   Mutual communication: A healthy communication between partners about positions and behaviors enjoyed during sex can eliminate premature ejaculation and erection problems, as well as problems with sex duration.

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